Quantitative Ecologist
I aim to solve applied problems in conservation and natural resource management by developing mathematical models to support decision-making in the face of environmental risks and scientific uncertainty.
Research Projects
Look here for highlights from my recent research projects.

Universal differential equations for ecology
One of the goals of ecology is to understand how biological mechanisms drive changes in ecosystems over time. My collaborators and I are developing a package in the Julia coding language that implements a new class of time series models based on universal differential equations to capture the complex nonlinear dynamics that drive changes in ecological systems while accounting for uncertainty.

Assessing the genetic risks of a conservation hatchery program.
Fish hatcheries can be a critical tool for biodiversity conservation, but they can have unintended evolutionary consequences. We develop a population-genetic model to assess the risk associated with a sturgeon hatchery program on the Nechako River in British Columbia.

Interactions between life history and the environment on changing growth rates of Chinook salmon
Chinook salmon have experienced a decline in body size over the past several decades, possibly indicating increasingly stressful environmental conditions. We used long-term monitoring data to test populations with distinct life history traits are responding differently to the same environmental trends.

Investing in information for fisheries management
I have been developing bioeconomic models to evaluate strategies for investing in monitoring programs for conservation. In this paper, we evaluate how the biological and management context influences the value of information for fisheries management.

Dynamic prioritization of COVID-19 vaccines when social distancing is limited for essential workers
During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, I developed a model to evaluate alternative strategies for prioritizing vaccines that accounted for the increased risks faced by essential workers.